A friend of mine is about to embark on an adventure, the kind about which movies are made and novels are written. The kind where you follow your dream to the point that it's led you on a journey of knowing, to the point that you cross the line in your head and decide, "This is what I'm going to do now."
He said he got to the place where he saw and smelled and felt like he was where he wanted to be, even when he was physically in another locale. That, my friends, is manifesting and allowing at its finest.
I've talked with him over the last year off and on, listening and prodding him in this direction of being who he really is. Obviously he didn't need much help in that department.
So in a few weeks, my friend will be packing up some of his belongings and heading out on the road, out to meet his future self. He's become a photographer, and he's going to prove that to himself. No job lined up, no security net other than a relative to stay with and a network to tap into.
The intoxication of freedom simply exudes from him.
And I can't wait to hear what transpires on his path.
Bravo, my brother.
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