Tuesday, May 12, 2009

calling all Resistance Toy lovers Dear Partner in Crime, You are receiving this email because in the past you expressed interest in being notified of new developments at my website Reach.Dabble.Shine, my blog 28 Years Later, or more recently, blissmonger.com, the funky brainchildren of Deb Schanilec (that’s me, aka Blissmonger :-) ). Some of you may remember taking part in a focus group for my weight-loss material a few years ago through Artella and received my Tenacious Tidbits. Well, I’ve written a new e-course, and I’m looking for folks who are interested in providing feedback while having fun interacting with this new material. *Have you ever declared in your mind that, starting tomorrow, you were going to be doing something differently, something that would be of great benefit but just hadn’t found its place on your “Accomplished” list yet? *As you approached assimilating this new thing into your day-to-day life, did it happen easily and quickly? *Or perhaps did you encounter a bit of discussion with yourself in your head about how difficult it was, how bad you were at sticking to the plan, and that it wasn’t ever going to happen the way you wanted it to happen? That, my friends, is called Resistance. We’ve all experienced it, and we all know how crazy-making it can be when it shows up. My new e-course is called Resistance Toys: Clever Distractions Designed to Change Your Mind One Neuropathway at a Time. In it I demonstrate how humor and creativity have helped me to dissolve the choke-hold Resistance often exerts, and how to use that power to succeed in whatever change you may be thinking about initiating into your life: A) Eating habits B) Exercising regularly C) Finding a different/more suitable/better paying job D) Making time for myself E) Cut down or stop smoking F) Getting...

Deb Schanilec

Connected and Committed relationship transformation strategist.

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