I've been using this mantra lately--"Crack me open, universe."
Putting my energy into not pushing-against is what made this phrase hop into my head.
It's a version of let go and let god, I suppose.
I've wanted to get to some new awarenesses, new emotional set points, new platforms from which to create. You know, have something different in my experience than what I've usually gotten.
The old ones, well, I've out-grown them to the point of being bored with them. And they are so tedious.
There's another phrase that people use in this situation--"Be careful what you wish for."
The beliefs you hold around what you wish for are what color the version that shows up, not what you wish for. If you don't believe you're worthy of it, or that you don't deserve it, or that someone else will go without if you get what you want, then you do indeed need to be careful.
This crack-me-open strategy apparently went beyond all that. And I've not been disappointed in what the universe has arranged for my energetic entertainment.
Notions I've practiced over decades are coming up for serious review, and I'm experiencing shifts in ways that I wouldn't have been able to conjure on my own mortal time.
The process continues, and my life will most likely be unrecognizable to me.
And that's the whole idea.
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