When I bring home a dvd to watch, I am so hoping for a transformative experience.
Mere entertainment isn't enough. Transformation, both on the screen and then depending on how well it's done, also inside me--this is much preferred.
Such was the case with Rachel Getting Married.
Substance abuse. Dysfunctional family. Classic American story.
But this was different.
At the beginning, I was afraid of bing overwhelmed with the rawness of it all.
At the end, I felt cleansed by the kind of grace that only accompanies an assemblage of the best, doing their best, and it all somehow getting captured on film.
Once I watched the special features and understood the genesis of the film's existence, and the chioces made as to how it was shot, and it's being finished in 33 days, and the cast--well, of course it was amazing.
Taking chances. Going with the moment. Trying something new, something different.
That's where the juice is. That's when the envelope gets pushed.
And that's when we really feel alive.
At the time it might feel impossible, a struggle, this discomfort and cognitive dissonance dancing all over the place.
But it works.
It's not often I feel transported beyond my immediate surrondings, and this story did that for me. It took several hours for its effects to wear off.
Perhaps some of them never will.
And that would be a very good thing.
Thanks, Linda! Right back atcha! The Norther Than I Used To Be is treating me very well. What are you up to these days?
Posted by: Blissmonger | Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 04:24 PM
Deb! I love reading your stuff. How are you in the Great Frozen Norther Than You Were? Wishing you, Brian and all your loved ones a happy, adventurous, inquisitive and revealing holiday season and new year.
Posted by: Linda Robinson | Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 01:31 AM
I wasn't aware of his New Orleans documentaries. Those are on my list :-)
Posted by: Blissmonger | Friday, December 17, 2010 at 04:13 PM
I Love Jonathan Demme!
True excellence in storytelling iz a sacred art. I've added this one to my Netflix que.
Posted by: Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming ☥ | Friday, December 17, 2010 at 03:33 PM