Went to my first improv class last night at Dudley Riggs. It was fabulous. Since the philosophy behind the program is play and creativity and fun, I felt right at home. The instructor led us through some ice-breaker exercises so we could get to know each other and some of the nervousness and overwhelm could be diffused.
It's a very interesting group. I met a woman who is a scientist, an artist and a monk, all in the same body/mind. Isn't that amazing? And she wanted to find out what improv could add to her life too. I'm the oldeest one there chronologically, I'm fairly certain. There are two sets of newlyweds. Someone who has experience teaching overseas. And a lawyer who teaches yoga. Can't wait to get to know these people better.
And to feel the shift inside as I get more confident and able to be wacky on my feet. Cuz that's the whole idea.
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